nestJS & TypeORM Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'joinColumns') 에러

career와 careerDetail이 있습니다. career는 일대다이고 careerDetail은 다대일로 설정했습니다. 하지만, repository에서 .leftJoinSelect를 하면 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘joinColumns’) 에러가 발생합니다.

// career.entity.ts

    () => CareerDetail,
    (careerDetail) => {
    {onUpdate: 'CASCADE'}
  careerDetails: CareerDetail[]
// careerDetail.entity.ts

  @ManyToOne(() => Career, (career) => career.careerDetails, {onUpdate: 'CASCADE'})
  career: Career
// career.repository.ts

import {Repository} from 'typeorm'
import {Career} from '../entities'
import {CustomRepository} from '../../libs/database/typeorm-ex-decorator'

export class CareerRepository extends Repository<Career> {
  async findAndCountWithOption(options) {
    const {skip, take} = options
    const query = this.createQueryBuilder('c').innerJoinAndSelect('c.careerDetails', 'cd')
    return await query.skip(skip).take(take).getManyAndCount()

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